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Happening At Harpeth
Happening At Harpeth
Everyone is welcome!
- Wed, Mar 05Brentwood
- Sun, Apr 06BrentwoodJoin us for an evening of music, mocktails, silent auction, and fine dining - all in support of our Youth Mission Trip to St. Simon's Island.
- Fri, Apr 18Brentwood
- Sat, Apr 19Brentwood
- Sun, Apr 20Brentwood
- Sun, May 18Brentwood
- Wed, Feb 05BrentwoodJoin us for a fun night of dinner, competition, and a food drive to help our neighbors in need!
- Sun, Jan 12BrentwoodJoin us on Sunday, January 12 for a casual worship service at 8:30am (with breakfast) in Steele Hall, or for a traditional worship service at 11:00am in the Sanctuary.
- Sun, Jan 05BrentwoodCome celebrate with our new class of elders as they are ordained and installed to ministry at Harpeth Presbyterian Church.
- Tue, Dec 24BrentwoodWe come together to celebrate the light, and worship the newborn King! Our Christmas Eve service is family friendly and includes Christmas hymns, a children's pageant, and candle lighting.
- Sun, Dec 15BrentwoodJoin us in worship for a service of music and celebration, led by our choir and our music director, Jeff Burnham.
- Sun, Dec 08BrentwoodKids of all ages are invited to come decorate gingerbread houses, hear the Christmas story, and sing carols together. After the event, church members will gather to go Christmas caroling nearby!
- Sun, Dec 01BrentwoodJoin us for ONE worship service at 10am in the Sanctuary. We will decorate our Chrismon tree in worship, and deck the halls of the church building after worship!
- Wed, Nov 13BrentwoodJoin us and our neighbors at Congregation Micah for a Thanksgiving meal and conversation!
- Wed, Oct 23BrentwoodJoin us in Steele Hall for a fun night of pumpkin carving, and our annual chili cook off! Pumpkins will be provided by the church. Kids and adults are invited to participate!
- Wed, Oct 02BrentwoodBring your pet of any kind (or a photo of your pet) to receive a special blessing from Pastor Rachel. There will be treats for animals and humans alike, as well as a special way to remember our beloved pets who have passed. Come and spend time with all of God's creatures!
- Sun, Sep 22BrentwoodJoin us for a conversation about mass incarceration, through the lens of Rev. Ingle’s experiences advocating for inmates on death row. Dinner and childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to so we know how many to expect.
- Sat, Sep 07BrentwoodJoin Harpeth Church and Priestley Miller Preschool for a back to school cookout. There will be food, music, games, prizes, a bounce house & more!
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